Beethovens Geist
Synopsis: The experimental film "Beethoven's Ghost" is an existential journey into the musician's soul and combines Beethoven's letters and piano works in an original way, interpreted by the internationally renowned pianist Jean Muller and the no less well-known actor André Jung as Beethoven's ghost.
Directed by: Yann Tonnar
With: André Jung (Beethoven’s Ghost), Jean Muller (piano
With the support from: Film Fund Luxembourg, Ministère de la Culture du Grand Duché de Luxembourg, Théâtre National du Luxembourg
Status: completed (to be released)
"Beethoven's Spirit" is an experimental music film, an existential journey into the musician's soul, combining the maestro’s letters and piano works in an original way, interpreted by the internationally renowned pianist Jean Muller and the no less well-known actor André Jung as Beethoven's ghost. Supported by Film Fund Luxembourg. Set to be released in 2023